Product identifiers

Product identification numbers (Product IDs), are unique codes assigned to individual products. Product IDs help customers find products more easily while also allowing sellers to advertise their brand.

The bol platform uses the following types of identifiers for a product:

  • EAN - Specifies a 13-digit number that is used to uniquely identify each product globally.

  • BPID - Specifies the bol Product ID.

Relationship between EAN and bol Product ID

A product may occasionally be identified by more than one EAN. This could be due to a several factors, including but not limited to:

  • Varying package sizes.

  • Regional variations.

  • Variations in product attributes, such as color or flavor.

  • Labeling regulations.

  • Product specifications.

To address this issue, the bol platform merges several EANs that accurately identify the same product into a single product for the webshop. The BPID serves as the identifier for this product.

How can it help?

This endpoint helps you:

  • Identify all the EANs that are associated with a product within the bol webshop.

  • Identify the BPID and link it to your product to track them throughout their lifecycle.

Retrieving bol product ID

Use the Get product ids by EAN endpoint to retrieve the BPID and the EANs associated with a product.

To retrieve the BPID for a product:

  1. Specify the EAN of the product in the request.

  2. In the response, this endpoint provides you:

    • bolProductId - Specifies the bol Product ID.

    • eans - Specifies all the EANs linked to the product.

For more information on the request and response body of these endpoints, see the Redoc.